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Here are some resources for receiving help in the midst of the Coronavirus:
- For information on free food, education, and housing resources, see the Los Angeles Community Resource Guide.
- Where to Get Financial Assistance, Food, and More During the Coronavirus from LAist
- Pasadena resources for small businesses
- National assistance for people employed by small businesses
A List of Local Food Resources:
Breakfast and lunch are provided for any children in PUSD (Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre). Click here to find out more.
- The city of Pasadena is also offering meal pickups on the weekend for Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre. These meals are for families (children and adults). Click here to find out more.
- Friends in Deed Food Pantry in Pasadena.
- Apply for Food Stamps here.
- Apply for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) special supplemental nutrition program here.
- For adults over the age of 60 and the disabled, there is a program available for purchasing restaurant meals using an EBT card. To find out more click here.
Know of more resources available for those in need of help? Email us at
Want to help? Click here for our list of ways that you can help.