Small Groups

“Discipleship is about how we live; not just the decisions we make, not just the things we believe, but a state of being.” 

-Rowan Williams, Being Disciples

Click here if you’re interested in joining one of the small groups at Knox.

In a culture where many of us feel disconnected and lonely, Knox aims to provide opportunities to build community and authentic relationships. We encourage growth by bringing people in similar life stages together and by building bridges so that we can learn from others who are in different seasons of life.

Some groups focus on different topics of study, while others gather over common interests or simply to socialize. All groups are open and eager to have you join them! Check out the list below to find a group that best fits your needs.

Bi-Cultural Small Group

Group Leader(s): Mike Veerman and Mary Hong
Time: 1st Monday of each month, 7p-8:30p
Location: Knox
Focus: A Bible study for people who live their lives straddling cultures

Brothers K

Group Leader: Aaron Mead
Time: Evening once every two months
Location: Varies, Pasadena/Altadena/La Canada
Focus: Book Discussion

Daily Prayer

Group Leader: Vince Caimano
Time: Daily, 7:25 am
Location: Zoom/Online
Focus: Praying Together for the Needs of Our Community/World

De/Reconstructing Faith

Group Leader: Josiah Marroquin
Time: 3rd Thursday of each month, 7-8:30 pm
Location: Pasadena
Focus: Topic Study/Discussion

Dinner Group

Group Leader(s): Robbin and Geoff Howard
Time: One Friday a month
Location: Pasadena
Focus: Dinner/Socializing

Immigration Justice

Group Leader: Kim Perez
Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7-8 pm
Location: Zoom
Focus: Community Action

Men’s Group

Group Leader(s): Vince Caimano/Aaron Mead
Time: 1st Thursday of each month, 7-8:30 am
Location: Pasadena
Focus: Praying, Life Sharing

Sunday Afternoon Group

Group Leader: Claire Marie Peterson
Time: 2nd and 4th Sundays after church service
Location: Knox Lawn
Focus: Book Study/Bible Study

Sustainability Team

Group Leader: Parker Howard
Time: 1st Tuesday of the month, 7-8pm
Location: Knox
Focus: Community Action

Interested in joining a group? Have an idea for a new group? Fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.